A Proposed Resolution of the Oklahoma Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

May 23, 2023


To: Delegates of the Oklahoma Annual
Conference of The United Methodist Church


In fervent prayer for the future of our tradition, we the Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church do highly resolve that the following should be adopted for our children, our grandchildren, and the millions of United Methodists to come whom God already loves.

We resolve:

  1. That our General Conference delegation is urged to vote in affirmation on any legislation that strengthens and affirms The United Methodist Church’s commitment to the core doctrines of the faith both ancient and United Methodist including, but not limited to, the bodily resurrection of Christ, the authority of Scripture as primary to our faith life, salvation through Christ alone, the Wesleyan understanding of grace, and other doctrines as defined by the United Methodist Articles of Religion and Confession of Faith.
  1. That our clergy and laity General Conference delegation be urged to vote for United Methodist Book of Discipline paragraphs 161.C and 161.G (regarding our Social Principles) to be amended to remove language that mentions homosexuality, and for paragraphs 304.3 and 310.2 to be amended to lift restrictions on the candidacy, marriage and ordination of LGBTQ


  1. That, if possible, our General Conference delegation should also vote in affirmation on any legislation that affirms the sacred worth of all people, including those who identify as LGBTQ.