There are clergy and laity within the bounds of the Oklahoma Area of the United Methodist Church who support equality in Christian Marriage. I, Jim Gragg, have consented to maintain in strictest confidence a list with the names of persons who wish to be included in support of the statement below. My responsibility will be to serve as custodian of the names and report at a future date the numbers of clergy and laity who are listed.

I have agreed to do this because I feel it is important at this time in history that voices for equality in the United Methodist Church in Oklahoma be heard. Over 1000 clergy in other parts of the country have signed similar statements. I feel the Spirit is moving in the hearts of United Methodists across the church eager to follow their good conscience by speaking out.

Individuals, clergy and lay, may become signers of the statement by sending their name and Email address and by indicating whether they are clergy or lay to or 10609 Regent, OKC, OK 73162, stating the desire to be listed as a signer.

United Methodists in Oklahoma Affirming Equality for All in Christian Marriage 2011

We joyfully affirm that we will offer the grace of God, and our blessings, to any prepared couple in our ministry context desiring Christian marriage. We are convinced by the witness of God’s love for all people, and are compelled by scripture, tradition, reason and experience to act. We join the many United Methodists who have already called for full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the life of the Church.

We repent that it has taken us so long to act. We joyfully stand in solidarity with those in the United Methodist Church who offer blessing to all in loving relationships who are prepared and seek to live together in Christian marriage. We realize that our church’s discriminatory policies tarnish the witness